Our Lenten Sermon Series & Seasonal Liturgy Changes

The Prayers of Jesus Series

During the Season of Lent, we will preach a 6-week sermon series entitled “The Prayers of Jesus.” During these weeks, we will look at texts featuring prayers Jesus prayed as well a things Jesus taught His followers about prayer. Our hope is that as we see Jesus in prayer, our own prayer lives will be deepened and shaped by His, and that we will learn how to pray from Christ.

Seasonal Changes to the Liturgy for Lent

As in Advent, we will be making some seasonal changes to our Sunday service liturgy to highlight spiritual themes and distinctive practices of Lent.  Fr. William & Rebekah Burkhardt have prepared a series of videos to prepare you for these changes.  Below are explanations of the spiritual WHY behind each WHAT that we’re changing/adding along with videos walking you through how each change will be experienced:

1)     Very stripped down acoustic music with only 1-2 musicians moved to the floor to emphasize congregational singing. As Lent is a season of self-examination, repentance, and prayer, we want our worship service to highlight a stripped-down rawness of unflashy desire and genuine need for the Lord. For that reason, our musicians will move the floor and we’ll have fewer of them. The music will be simpler and the congregation will need to sing out as our voices will be the featured instrument. Check out the OVERVIEW VIDEO for Lent HERE—> Lent Liturgical Changes Overview Video

2)     The Penitential Order with confession & absolution at the beginning of the service with special processional music and a seasonal Kyrie. As Lent is a season for self-examination, repentance, and prayer, during these weeks, we will move our confession and absolution to the beginning of the service and sing a new processional song (Prayer to Trinity by Trinity Anglican in Atlanta) and a seasonal Kyrie (We Cry Mercy by Greg LaFollette). Check out the PROCESSIONAL & PENITENTIAL ORDER VIDEO HERE—> Lent Opening Liturgy + Kyrie Video

3)     The Bible processed into the midst of the congregation for the Gospel reading. During Lent, we will process the Bible into the middle of the congregation where the Gospel text will be read amongst the people. This act helps us remember the incarnation: that Jesus has come among us to bring salvation to us. There will be special music that will be played as the cross and Bible are processed into the congregation and then recessed back to the front after the reading. Check out the GOSPEL PROCESSIONAL VIDEO HERE—> Procession of the Gospel Video

4)     The corporate proclamation of our faith using the words of the Nicene Creed after the sermon. One of the traditional acts of Book of Common Prayer worship is the corporate proclamation of the Creed after the sermon. This is an act whereby we as the Church proclaim our shared and historic faith together. We will recite the words of the Nice Creed together each week during Lent.

5)     A sung Sanctus prayer during the communion liturgy. As in Advent, and fitting with our emphasis on congregational singing and participation during Lent, the Sanctus prayer during the communion liturgy will be sung. Check out the SANCTUS VIDEO HERE—> Communion & Sung Sanctus Prayer Video

6)     The Doxology sung a cappella during the benediction. During Lenten Sundays, fitting with our desire for raw expression of need for Jesus, our benediction music will be an a cappella (i.e. no instruments) singing of the Doxology. This will happen in the place of Pentecost and before the Benediction, so our services will end with our voices raised as one in blessing over one another. View the DOXOLOGY BENEDICTION VIDEO HERE—> Doxology & Benediction Video

To help all these elements work, please plan to arrive early, sit toward the front and center of the sanctuary, and sing loud! We can’t wait to share this Lenten Journey with You!


Ash Wednesday Service | 2/22 - 12 PM


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