Thanks for visiting our website! We could spend a lot of time telling you about The Mission, but we'd rather you come and see for yourself. Scroll down and plan your first visit. We can’t wait to meet you!
Where Do You Meet For Worship?
2221 Slane Ave.
Cincinnati OH 45212 @ 10 AM
Where Do I Park?
Entrance is through the double doors on the LEFT side of the building next to the parking lot and the picnic tables.
What is The Mission like?
Worship at the Mission is reverent and warm. Services involve call and response prayer, confession, absolution, communion, and more. If these are new to you, no worries! We take time to explain the WHY behind every WHAT we do. Our music is contemporary in style, and blends classic hymns and thoughtful praise choruses. Each week you'll hear an engaging sermon based on the Bible, and every week we share communion. Currently services last approximately 75 minutes.
What About Kids?
All Are Welcome in Worship
At The Mission Cincinnati, we value inter-generational worship. On a Sunday it’s normal to see whole families together in service. Infants, toddlers, children, and teenagers are all welcome to join in congregational worship! There is also a cry room/sensory room with rocking chairs, and a changing table located next to the nursery across the hall from the sanctuary for all who desire it!
Mission Nursery For Children Ages 3 & Under
We also offer a safe and nurturing Mission Nursery environment for children ages 0-3 during worship each Sunday. During the service, our nursery volunteers lead our children in a Bible story, singing, and a craft. If you have a child you would like to attend the Mission Nursery, you can drop them off in the nursery room before the service. The nursery is located just across the hall from the main sanctuary and there will be signs to direct you there when you enter. All of our Nursery workers are members of our church who have sustained background checks and completed Ministry Safe Training.
Godly Play Ministry For Children Ages 4-7
Godly Play is an interactive story-based ministry for preschoolers & younger elementary students that explores a different story from the Bible each week. Children begin the service in worship with their parents and are then dismissed part way through the service to journey up the Godly Play room under the supervision of 2 ministry-safe certified & background checked leaders. Children then return to worship before communion. Godly Play is offered on the first 3 Sundays of each month.
Interactive Children’s Bulletins Provided As Desired During Worship
We have a growing number of families with older elementary students joining the Mission. Therefore, we offer an interactive children’s bulletin for elementary kids that they can follow along with during the service, writing down things they see and answering questions about the sermon.
If you are attending for the first time and your children have any special needs you would like us to be aware of, please contact our Children’s Ministry Director Christine Mitchell at christine@missioncincinnati.org prior to your visit so we can make sure we are ready to welcome you and care for your children well!
Make sure to pick up a copy of the bulletin from the welcome table. It’s roadmap for our service that explains the order of our service.
You can also email us at admin@missioncincinnati.org prior to your visit to let us know you're coming.