Welcome to the Mission!
We’re so glad you’ve found us! If you’re checking out this page, it’s likely that you are interested in our church and wondering things like “What IS The Mission Cincinnati? Why does The Mission exist? What makes this church unique? What do its people value and seek to live out in their life together? What do they believe?”
We care about you and want to make space to offer information about our church, answer questions you might have, and help you take next steps of belonging here. That is why we’ve created the BELONGING PATHWAY, a relaxed, invitational, step by step process by which you can learn more about the Mission and take next steps of connection.
Part of what we love about our Anglican heritage and general and about The Mission in-specific, is that who we are and what we’re about is better “caught than taught.” To that end, we could try to answer all your questions up-front, but we would love to invite you VISIT us for a worship service either in-person or online as your first step of connection.
Visited us for a service or two? Loved what you experienced and the people you got to worship with? Interested in learning more? We’d love to find a time to grab coffee with you, hear your story, share ours, and answer any questions you might have about The Mission! To set up a meeting, you can reach out to Fr. William, our Rector at william@missioncincinnati.org
Met with a pastor? Ready to start getting involved in the life of our community? The next step is to begin your journey through Mission Pathways. Pathways is our 3 stage newcomers’ orientation and membership process at The Mission. Pathways is designed to help you connect in relationship with others at the church even as you build shared Gospel Foundations together. In Mission Pathways you will learn more about our church’s vision and mission, our membership commitments, the distinctives of our Anglican heritage, learn about the whole story of the Bible and what Christians believe, and get connected to pastoral care, serving teams, small groups, missions opportunities and MORE! To learn all about the vision and starting times for pathways click the button below!