Discipleship & Formation at the Mission

At the Mission, we are called to BELONG to community and GROW to be more like Jesus. We do this in many ways throughout the year.

Connect Seasons - Fall & Spring

In the Fall & Spring months, we host a variety of Mission Communities and Newcomer Pathway Cohorts.

Equip Season - Epiphanytide

During the month of January and part of February, we often hold a variety of classes.

Church Seasons - Advent, Lent, & Holy Week

During the seasons of Advent and Lent, we engage seasonal devotionals together and as individuals/households. We also host special services & gatherings on Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday, as well as host mini-retreats called Selahs.

Summer Formation Season

During the Summer, we engage in more laid back rhythms of sharing meals together during our Dinners For Nine. We also often hold mini-pilgrimages, selahs, and other restful gatherings.

For more about how we understand discipleship and formation at the Mission, read here.