Introducing Our New Director of Children's & Family Ministry!

This past Sunday, we shared the exciting news that our own Christine Mitchell has joined our ministry team as our new and part-time Director of Children’s & Family Ministry.  Over the coming weeks, Christine will transition into taking over coordinating our current Mission Nursery team, as well as beginning to convene volunteers, parents, and all interested members in conversations to design our Next-Step Children’s Ministry offering for children ages 4-7 which we hope to launch this Fall.  In her role at the Mission, Christine will also serve as the point of contact for all things Children’s Ministry-related. She will also work with the rest of our staff and volunteer leaders to help us continue to shape and foster a church culture that sees the discipleship of the Next Generation in our midst as a shared priority and calling in which we ALL join together regardless of life-station.

We are so THRILLED at God’s provision for our church in and through Christine and for His work in and through her life. Please welcome Christine into this new role with us! 


Our Lenten Sermon Series & Seasonal Liturgy Changes


Just Be With People: An Epiphany Sermon Series on Learning Evangelism from Jesus