Ash Wednesday Service | 2/22 - 12 PM

Our Lenten Journey begins with Ash Wednesday.

We’ll gather for an intimate and stripped-down service of worship at noon on Wednesday February 22nd. Due to a funeral in the sanctuary, we will meet downstairs in the ROCK room which we will transform into a sacred space. You are invited to enter through the side door under the purple awning next to the parking lot when you arrive. Greeters will be stationed at this door to let you in until 12:05 PM. Please arrive by noon to ensure someone is there to let you in!

The service will feature acoustic music without amplification, call and response prayer, a short message from Psalm 51, the Imposition of Ashes, and communion. We will conclude within the hour, but you are welcome to stay and pray in the space for as long as you need.

There will be no childcare offered during Ash Wednesday, but children of all ages are welcome to join us for the service—wiggles, noises, and all!


Holy Week Service Schedule


Our Lenten Sermon Series & Seasonal Liturgy Changes