

Fr. William Eavenson

Fr. William serves as the Founding Rector & Lead Pastor of The Mission Cincinnati.  Born and raised in Atlanta, GA, he holds a BA in English with Honors & Communication from Wake Forest University, as well as an MDiv from Regent College in Vancouver, B.C.  He came to Christ in high school and experienced a call to ministry while running a youth sports camp in Cluj, Romania.  He has served in Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Baptist, and Non-denominational churches prior to experiencing God's call to become an Anglican priest while leading a college ministry in Chattanooga, TN.  Fr. William is passionate about connecting people to Jesus and to one another, and equipping everyone to love God and His people with the fullness of their God-given gifts.  He loves hiking, white-water kayaking, wilderness, and laughing a lot.  He is married Savannah, and has 3 daughters—Amy, Millie, & Mercy.

Contact William | william@missioncincinnati.org

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Rev. Kristen Yates

Rev. Kristen serves as our Associate Rector (Associate Lead Pastor), with a special emphasis on Formational Discipleship.  Kristen holds a B.S. in Biology from the College of William & Mary, a Joint Masters of Theological Studies & International Peace and Conflict Resolution from Wesley Theological Seminary and American University, and an MDiv from Regent College in Vancouver B.C.   Kristen also holds a certificate in Spiritual Direction from Selah and is pursuing her DMin in Spiritual Formation from Gordon-Conwell.  Kristen is a life-long Anglican who sensed a call to ministry on a mission trip to China directly after college.   Kristen has a heart for people of all cultures, and for the care of God’s Creation.  Kristen loves fostering spaces of hospitality, care, compassion, and beauty, so people can find increasing intimacy with the Lord and with each other. Kristen loves painting, photography, hiking, kayaking, gardening, and writing about spiritual formation over at www.rhythmsoftheway.org.  

Contact Kristen | kristen@missioncincinnati.org

Rev. Mike Jorgensen

Rev. Mike serves the Mission as our Minister for Preaching & Leadership. Mike is a Cincinnati native currently residing in College Hill with his wife Susan and daughter Anya. He holds a BS in Organizational Leadership and an MDiv from Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. Mike became a Christian through his church's youth ministry and spent his summers in college interning for his home church's youth ministry before entering full-time youth ministry at age 22. His first exposure to Anglicanism was serving as the director for contemporary worship at Church of the Resurrection in St. Louis while he attended seminary. After completing seminary, Mike and Susan returned to their shared hometown of Cincinnati, where he served as Assistant Pastor at College Hill Presbyterian Church. Currently he works for a local web development company and volunteers at Mission Cincinnati. Mike has too many hobbies to count including, but in no way limited to: books and reading, guitar playing and recording, music listening and vinyl collecting, comic books and podcasting about comics, coffee roasting, brewing, and drinking, movies and popcorn, and cooking and sharing a meal. 



Shu-Li Cheah

Worship Coordinator

Contact Shu-Li | admin@mission cincinnati.org

Christine Mitchell

Director of Children’s & Family Ministry

Contact Christine | christine@mission cincinnati.org


In Christ and through the church, God gives us to each other as a means of grace.  No single one of us has all the answers, and in accordance with what we believe is God's wisdom our leadership is served by the informed counsel of a group of wise, experienced, and faithful lay leaders who have been raised up from within our congregation to guard our church’s vision and mission, advise our Pastor on key decisions, and oversee the operational life of our church.  The Vestry meets regularly with our Pastor to prayerfully lead and serve our church in these ways.  Vestry Members are nominated and elected by our congregation every year and serve for a 3 year term. Our current Vestry Members are:

Our Bishop

R T . R E V . M A R K E N G E L

In the Anglican Church, bishops serve as chief shepherds spiritually leading and caring for a geographical region’s pastors and congregations. The Mission Cincinnati is a member congregation of the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes and as such we have the privilege of being cared for under the leadership of Bishop Mark Engel, our diocesan bishop.