Discipleship Basics at the Mission

At the Mission Cincinnati, we care deeply about discipleship. As such we invite our people into corporate rhythms of discipleship each year, and we also come alongside our people to pursue rhythms in their own lives. What do these rhythms look like?

Our Discipleship Rhythms


The Six B’s of Discipleship

Discipleship is a holistic endeavor, but in this day and age, many of us tend to truncate our discipleship processes, focusing on one or two aspects. At the Mission, we desire to be holistic disciples, worshipping the Lord with our heads, heart, and habits. We believe discipleship involves:

  • Believing in Jesus - We put our faith in Jesus and His work of salvation and continue to be life-long learners of Jesus and His way of truth, grace, and love.

  • Belonging to His family - Having put our faith in Jesus and established our identity in Him, we naturally journey with others who also find their identity in Jesus (the community we call the church). We worship together and we walk alongside each other, modeling Jesus for one another, encouraging one another through our successes and failures, sharing in each other’s joys and sorrows, sharing truth and grace with one another, and helping each other treasure and savor Jesus.   

  • Being with Jesus - We regularly seek to participate in the life of God/have communion with Him. We do this by spending regular time with Jesus, coming to know Him, calling upon His name, worshipping Him, resting in His love, and abiding in Him and allowing Him to abide in us.

  • Becoming like Jesus - Recognizing both our belovedness and our brokenness before Jesus, we allow the Holy Spirit to increasingly align our character, desires, and habits to those of Jesus. This is a life-long process, that invariably involves steps backward and steps forward in this lifetime.

  • Blessing like Jesus - We seek to serve and love others like Jesus did; doing the things that he did during his ministry; living a life of generosity and hospitality; sharing His Good News through word, deed, and power; and participating in His work of building up His Kingdom of justice, reconciliation, restoration, and renewal.    

  • All done By The Power of the Holy Spirit.

Formational Discipleship Resources

If you are looking for resources to help you on your Discipleship Journey (understanding the Scriptures, Theology, Prayer, the Anglican way, or more), check our Discipleship Resources Page.