FAQs on the Finances of our Move

Greetings Mission Family & Friends,

On Sunday, July 9th, we shared the news of God’s provision of a new home for our congregation at Grace United Methodist Church in Norwood.  This past Sunday, July 30th, our Vestry Treasurer, Nelson Wesley, shared an annual stewardship update, as well as an invitation to join us in funding the needed repairs and updates we hope to make to the building prior to move-in.

To further inform this invitation, we want do address some FAQs about the financial aspects of our move:

1)     Is the Mission buying this building or renting?

The Mission Cincinnati has entered into a 3-year lease agreement with Grace UMC which includes

-        unlimited uses of the main and second floor spaces on Sundays

-        24/7 exclusive office and meeting spaces

-        Use of the building for special services and weekly meetings on a scheduled basis

-        a first right of refusal which gives The Mission the first opportunity to purchase the building should the congregation at Grace cease to exist or otherwise desire to sell the building. 


2)     What is the scope of the updates/repairs the Vestry has approved?

In general, the Vestry has approved cosmetic updates to beautify spaces we will use, and redesign rooms to match our uses.  This includes:

-        updating multiple children’s classrooms that will serve on Sundays as

o   a nursery

o   2 older elementary children’s classrooms, and

o   a cry room/sensory room for nursing mothers, and/or children with special sensory needs that will be available for use during worship and will have the service livestreamed. 

-        Painting, updating carpet & A/V, reconfiguring altar area, and rearranging seating in the sanctuary. 

-        building out a sacristy room for use in worship,

-        renovating 3 rooms as offices and designated meeting areas for anytime use.


3)     How are you planning to fund these updates?

Currently, the Mission has existing reserve funds that can cover the entirety of the proposed building updates budget if needed.  However, given that we may have an opportunity to purchase the building in the near future, we’d like to preserve as much of our existing reserve capital as possible, so as to be financially prepared to purchase the building if and when it becomes available.

4)     So what is the specific invitation to partner now?

We hope to raise the full $102,000.00 renovation budget through new one-time gifts from our local congregation and from supportive friends in Cincinnati and beyond who want to add energy to our ministry in this key moment in the life of our maturing church plant.  We hope to raise these funds between now and November 1st 2023.  To date, we have received $24,000.00 toward this goal.  Thus, we invite you to help us raise the remaining $78,000.00 by making a one-time gift to The Mission Cincinnati between now and October. 

5)     How can I contribute?

Gifts can be made online to the General Fund using our online giving platform on our website using the link below.

Check can be mailed to “The Mission Cincinnati // P.O. Box 6006 // Cincinnati OH 45206.


Thank you SO MUCH for your prayerful, faithful, and enthusiastic partnership with us in God’s Kingdom work through The Mission Cincinnati.  We cannot wait to see and share the news of how God will provide and how He will transform lives and impact our city and region through that provision!

If you have any questions, you can reach out to me, Fr. William, at william@missioncincinnati.org.

Blessings to you in Christ in all things!



Fr. William D. Eavenson Jr.

Rector | The Mission Cincinnati


Fall Ministry Preview


Children's Ministry Vision Night | 8/16 | 6-8 PM