Children's Ministry Vision Night | 8/16 | 6-8 PM

Dear Mission Family,

In so many ways, we are in transition! Transition is not always a comfortable place. The now and not yet pull us and the tension can make us feel taut,  like we might snap in the waiting and the work! As a whole church, we  are right here in the middle of this tension as we move toward a new space. Our kids and kids ministry are also in this space. We are taking steps forward but there are a lot of unanswered questions like, when will we go? And, what will things be like when we get there?  All the while we must continue to work in the present. For me, the best thing to know is that our good God is right here with us and gives us the gift of each other for the journey! 

As we have contemplated where we are headed, we have been drawn to a program for our kids that seems to fit us as a community. One that values liturgy, wonder and the whole story of Scripture, as well as experiencing God in sacred spaces and bringing that experience into congruence with our daily lives. The program is called Godly Play and we are just learning about it as a team and we would like to introduce it to all of you, as well!

I met Dennis Mulcare, dad to our own Emily Yokajty, because Emily grew up on Godly Play and her dad taught it for many years. As we began to consider it, a conversation with Dennis was very encouraging! He offered to trek to our neck of the woods from Colorado (well, maybe a new granddaughter was a tiny bit influential on his trekking!) to demonstrate how Godly Play works. And in his words, not mine, “Adults will love and appreciate this, not just kids!”

So, on Wednesday, August 16th, we are inviting whole families and all households to wrap their arms around our kids ministry and join us at our new space of Grace UMC to enjoy a pizza dinner and dessert and to listen to Dennis tell us about Godly Play and demonstrate how it works! This is not a training for volunteers nor a presentation for kids–as a matter of  fact, our kids will be in childcare while WE get to experience Godly Play! All of us will get to see the new building, and listen to Dennis as he invites us to experience this unique children's curriculum! Everyone is invited because we think it’s important to have our whole body see where our children may be headed and to offer their thoughts and ask questions after watching it presented. For those of  you who would consider teaching in the future, this evening will be very key! Plus, we can all see the building we plan to move to and let our kids see their new space as well. This is bound to give us energy and excitement moving forward!

Come Play with Us! Let’s see where it takes us!

Grace and Peace to each household!

Christine and the Mission Kids team

~questions are always welcome at 


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