Service Time & Location
The Mission Cincinnati will meet every Sunday for worship services staring Sunday, January 2nd from 9:30 - 10:30 AM at House of Joy Christian Ministries, located at 3220 Central Parkway, Cincinnati OH 45225
What Will the Service Be Like?
Our worship services at House of Joy will be shortened, approximately 1 hour-long versions of usual liturgical worship services. In designing these gatherings, we have sought to maximize simplicity, beauty, and safety to the best extent we can. The service will begin with an opening welcome followed by the procession of the cross, a short section of call & response prayer, a congregational song of worship, a Scripture reading, sermon, prayers of the people, & communion. The service will conclude with announcements, a congregational prayer of sending, a blessing song, and a benediction.
What COVID-19 Precautions are You Taking?
Throughout the pandemic we have sought to apply the best of medical counsel to our guidelines for worship gatherings. We have also sought to abide by the guidelines of our diocese as well as the public health mandates of our local and state governments. In recent weeks as cases have decreased, the CDC has released updated guidelines for public gatherings and social distancing measures
1) Masks are now optional in Sunday worship and other church gatherings as long as Hamilton County and surrounding counties remain in the classifications of low and medium spread.
2) We will continue to reserve the two side wings at House of Joy for parishioners wish to observe more distance between themselves and others, and for families with small children.
3) For the time being our communion celebrant will continue to wear a mask during the distribution of elements to ensure that the communion table remains a hospitable space for the most cautious among us.
If You have any questions about these policies, procedures or service details, please feel free to reach out to Fr William at or Rev. Kristen at
What About Kids?
Children of all ages are invited to attend our services with their parents. We offer interactive “kids bulletins” for older elementary children to fill out during the service as they engage. Completed bulletins can be turned in for small prizes at the end of each service at the communion table after worship. We also offer a nursery for infants and toddlers ages 0-5.
Some other things you should know about Kids & House of Joy:
The physical space of the sanctuary at House of Joy has side tiers that are walled off from the main central space. It would be possible to create your own “boxes” for toddlers to roam around in where they could move a bit while still ensuring distance from others.
There is a cry room at the back of the sanctuary that can be used if needed by any parent with a small infant. Service is viewable and audible from this room.
We actively desire to work WITH parents to create a worship setting that will be safe and supportive for your family. If you have any questions at all about resources for families on Sundays, or if it would helpful to you to have in-service activities for kids or other resources, please communicate these desires to Ben at
Will You Still Be Live Streaming Your Services?
Yes! We realize there are many people in our congregation who may not yet be ready to attend an in-person, indoor service. We want you to know you are seen, supported, and loved. For these reasons, we will continue to stream our in-person services in real-time to our church Facebook page starting at 9:30 AM each week! Services can be viewed in real time or on-demand at any time later in the week.