Resources on Scripture, Theology, and Spiritual Practices

Rev. Kristen’s Recommendations

For Engaging Scripture

Rev. Kristen’s Compiled Resources for Understanding the Scriptures

For Engaging Theology & Practice

Alpha Film Series (for new Christians)

Free Online Basic Bible and Theology Classes at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Regent College Audio(For all kinds of theology classes)

SeminaryNow(seminary-level classes on a monthly subscription service)

Anglican Compass (For all things Anglican)

Ridley Institute (Classes on Bible, Theology, The Anglican Way, etc.)

For Hearing the Scriptures/Practicing Lectio Divina

Lectio 365 App

Dwell App

Pray As You Go App

The Lectio Course

For Learning to Pray & Hear God

Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools by Tyler Staton

How to Pray: A Simple Guide For Normal People by Pete Grieg

How to Hear God: A Simple Guide for Normal People by Pete Grieg

For Learning Spiritual Practices

Practicing the Way

The Presence Project

For Redemptive Social Media Use

8 Practices for Social Media Use

Practice Guides That Accompanied Our #neighborHood Preaching Series

Daily Rhythms of Prayer


Practicing Gratitude


Prayer Walking

For more resources, check out Rev. Kristen’s website on spiritual formation at