About Our Epiphany Sanctuary Artwork

During the season of Epiphany, we will feature a new and seasonal collection of artwork by Argentinian artist Jorge Cocco Santángelo. Born in 1936, in Concepción del Uruguay, in Entre Rios, Argentina, Cocco is a self-taught artist whose mother said he would sleep with a pencil, and when she woke him up his bedding would be covered in markings.  He won his first city-wide award at age 9, and His artwork has been featured internationally in galleries in Argentina, France, Japan, Mexico, Spain, Uruguay, the UK, and the US. Cocco’s signature style of “sacro-cubism” brings sacred imagery from the Gospels to life through cubist artistic techniques. 

Epiphany begins January 6th and concludes before Ash Wednesday.  It is a season of MISSION, as we remember Jesus revealed as God to the Gentile magi who came to worship Him.  It is also a season of REVELATION in which—like the magi—we seek Jesus for what He wants to reveal to us. The Cocco paintings in our sanctuary during Epiphany are scenes from the life of Jesus: Traditional Epiphany moments (Jesus’s Baptism, and the nativity), His mighty deeds (calming the storm & feeding the 5,000), and scenes from Jesus’s parables.

As you view these images, ask the Lord what He wants to reveal to YOU in these days: either about Himself, or His call on your life?

Artist Jorge Cocco Santángelo.


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