Annual Congregational Meeting

Our 2024 Annual Congregational Meeting will take place on Sunday February 25th after worship from 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM in the church sanctuary.

The Annual Meeting is an important rhythm of our church’s life together. Every year at the end of February, we come together as a body to celebrate God’s faithfulness to us over the past year by recapping ministry highlights, updating our membership on our financial position, and honoring those who have served in the previous year. We also look ahead to the year to come by sharing our new year’s ministry budget, electing new members to our Vestry, and celebrating Vestry members who are concluding their terms and rolling off.

While only members who have completed Mission Pathways and joined the church can VOTE in the Annual Meeting, all who attend the Mission are welcome to join us for this special day!

We do ask that you please RSVP by no later than Sunday 2/18 if you plan to attend using the Sign-Up Genius linked below. Free childcare will be available upon request so please comment in your Sign-Up if childcare is requested and for how many kids.

Finally, we need at least 50% of our members to be present at this meeting to satisfy the requirements of our Code of Regulations so your prompt RSVPs will greatly help us with planning!


Ash Wednesday Service


An Invitation to An Honest Advent