Summer Preaching Series: Proverbs

Several years ago, I read a study reporting that the amount of information on planet Earth is doubling every 5 years.  Since that was more than a decade ago, I can only imagine that with developments around AI, the omni-presence of Smart Phones, and growing access to the internet, that that the information explosion is only accelerating. 

Access to knowledge used to be the challenge in our society, but not anymore.  When my 6-year-old daughter asks me a question about anything from what house roofs are made of to what type of wasp’s nest is in the park, I can Google it and have an answer in seconds.

Our problem today is a lack of skilled curators for our information.  We have plenty of instant-answers available, but very few reliable guides who can instruct us on which answers are better than others. 

In short we have plenty of KNOWLEDGE in our society, but not enough WISDOM.

The nation of Israel had a king thousands of years ago named Solomon who was renowned for his wisdom.  People from nations across the world would travel to Jerusalem to ask Solomon questions, invite him to speak into their problems, and benefit from his God-given understanding and discernment.  And even though Solomon is no longer with us, he wrote down a collection of some of his favorite sayings in a book that’s now included in our Bibles today: a book called Proverbs.

This summer, we will spend 9 weeks studying the Book of Proverbs.  We’ll learn what wisdom is, see how God intends wisdom to be accessible to EVERYONE and not just reserved for a few elite smart people.  We’ll see how wisdom is personified in the Person of Jesus and how in many ways, Christ’s invitation to become more like Him is also an invitation to grow in wisdom.  We’ll explore topics such as friendship, family, wealth & poverty, speech & silence, love of neighbor, learning from others, justice, and compassion.  We’re excited to share this rich and wonderful journey with you in these weeks!  We hope you’ll join us this summer as we learn what wisdom is and why we should desire it.


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